let go of past mistakes

Source: Gabrielle Bernstein

There’s no such thing as a mistake. Everything happens in divine order. You’re always being guided to learn and grow. When you look at the situations in your life from a place of regret, you ultimately miss the opportunity for growth.

When difficult things happen, they’re revealing what needs to be healed. These uncomfortable moments, whether they’re global or personal, are revealing what needs to heal. These moments are opportunities to perceive life through the lens of: What can I learn from this? How can I grow from this? How can I shift from this? How can I lean toward more love? How can I lean into the lesson rather than the problem?

Let go of the past to be unapologetic about what you want in the future. When you diminish your desires, you’re telling the Universe that you don’t believe you’re worthy of what you want. In this moment right now, you can claim your desire. Accept that you’re worthy of what you desire. Don’t let fear get in the way of manifesting what you truly want.

Create a safe space for yourself. Sometimes, putting yourself first is the most loving thing you can do! It’s okay to put your safety and security first. In fact, it’s the best way to show up for your relationships and your life!

Stop comparing your suffering to others’. We all have our mistakes, wounds, and regrets. Instead of comparing your problems to others, take a moment to see yourself in them. See that we all suffer and that you’re not alone.

Use your fear as a guide back to love. Sometimes your fear reveals to you exactly what you need to heal. Sometimes your fear reveals that you want to make sure you do it right, that you want to really show up with your highest potential. Instead of letting that fear take you down, use it as a way of growing into a better version of yourself. Shift your perception and turn your mistakes into miracles.