the pain and privilege of the stellium

Source: Notes on Astrology

Virgo stellium is the workaholic stellium, but for a different reason than Capricorn stellium. For Virgo, being of service and doing a good job is incredibly self-satisfying. They need to know that they have done good work and that their performance is better than what anyone else could have done.

It is about being better than everyone else but in a much more subtle way than Aries and far less dramatic than Leo. It is about perfectionism and comes with a heavy dose of self-criticism and a willingness to put in the work to improve and excel.

Hard Saturn transits (squares and oppositions) are difficult times for everyone and no one escapes them. The added difficulty of heavy transits when you have a stellium is based in the fact that several of your planets are being hit hard at the same time.

There is little relief or escape until the transit lets up, and the best way to handle this period is to commit yourself to doing the work the transit is asking for. You are being tested but it is not for naught – Saturn always brings great rewards at the end of his stay, compensation for work well done.

But if you don’t do the work or run from it, the next Saturn transit will prove more difficult. These are karmic lessons and we all must go through them to leave this life much more competent and spiritually improved than our last.

Stelliums can be a wonderful blessing to those that carry them because it allows for unadulterated energy in the area of life their stellium is placed. If you are ambitious and career focused, having a stellium in the 10th House will allow you to focus all your internal might into achieving your aspirations.

But there is a price for all that focus, and it includes missing out on other areas of life that go unoccupied in your chart. Which is why relationships – balancing relationships – are so important for people with these signatures. You don’t need more of the same energy in the sign of your stellium. You can actually benefit greatly from being with someone who has one or more planets in the sign opposite your stellium! This helps you create balance in your life and gives you a connection to other parts of your chart you can’t access on your own.