parenting a four

Source: Psychology Junkie

  • Listen to them. Make time each day to just be with them (get out some coloring books and color together, sit with them before bed and ask them about their feelings).
  • Fours can veer towards melancholy and pessimism. Validate their concerns and feelings, but help them work through pessimistic scenarios by asking them, “and what will happen if that happens?” Often through this series of questions, you can assure them that no matter what happens, things will still be “okay” and there will always be solutions and opportunities. If nothing else, you will always be there to help them and love them unconditionally.
  • Give them plenty of creative tools to experiment with and unstructured time to use those tools.
  • Spark their vivid imagination with daily storytelling.
  • Listen to them as they discuss their favorite movies or music. In their teens try to listen to their favorite songs (and don’t get judgmental if you dislike them!).
  • Find things that are unique to them that you appreciate. Point these things out verbally and show your appreciation for them.
  • Create an atmosphere in your home where they feel free to express their joy and their sadness. Don’t try to force them into happy feelings at all times.
  • Let them know what new situations are going to be like in advance so they don’t feel anxiety about them.
  • Make sure that mealtimes and bedtimes are calm and conflict-free.
  • Respect their need for quiet alone time. Try not to over-schedule their day.
  • If they are frequently overwhelmed by pessimistic, dark feelings, don’t be afraid to get them connected with a counselor or child therapist. This isn’t a failure on your part (or theirs!)
  • Encourage them to bring their passions out into the real world. Fours may get too wrapped up in their inner world at times and feel trapped. Discuss options like attending an art class, drama class, or picking up trash along a beach or at a park. It’s important for Fours to balance their alone time with healthy, enjoyable, active experiences that coincide with their interests and strengths. They often love pets!