enneagram nine: know when to walk away

Source: Take Care of Your Type

This tip may sound kind of harsh, but believe me when I tell you I have never met a Peacemaker who has not needed to leave a job because they were struggling or being taken advantage of while at work.

As you know, Peacemakers can be quick to settle into comfortable routines, and then stay in them longer than they should, so moving on from something like a job can be a very strenuous decision for them. It can take them years to finally step away from something that was harmful to begin with.

So, Peacemakers who are reading this, take some time to do a little life audit. Are you happy? Are you satisfied? Is your job overall truly mentally and physically healthy for you? If your job is not of concern, then take stock of the friendships, relationships, and organizations you’re involved in… are they healthy? Are they beneficial? Are they enhancing your life or making it miserable? Be honest with yourself.

My husband is a Peacemaker, and he has gone through seasons of this struggle multiple times. Know that as you get older, recognizing when it’s time to walk away doesn’t get easier, and neither does the actual walking away, but you will become stronger for it.

So if you feel like you need permission from somebody out there, here it is. Quit that job. Leave that relationship. Move on from the past. Cut out that toxic friend from your life. I can promise you’ll always grow from doing so, and you’ll grow beautifully.