enneagram nine: remember that your presence matters

Source: Take Care of Your Type

Out of all of the types, I think Peacemakers walk through one of the most heartbreaking core fears one can have: believing and assuming that their presence does not matter to others. Whether they were told this verbally, communicated this nonverbally, or experienced a series of events that fostered this belief, Type 9s struggle to remember that they do matter.

Life is loud and busy. People can be ambitious and cutthroat. Peacemakers can feel as though they are swirling in the sea of everyone else’s agendas, which causes them to detach from their own sense of self. This detachment in turn gives Peacemakers the idea that they don’t really matter to anyone or anything—that they’re always the “extra” or the “supporting role,” never the main character, never in the spotlight.

If there is anything I want Peacemakers to take away from this book, it is that your presence in the world always matters. When you show up, it makes a difference in the world. When you smile, it brightens a room. When you laugh, it captivates us. Remember: you don’t have to earn or qualify for worthiness; you matter simply because you exist and make all our lives better.